Fascial Fitness

Fascial Fitness is based on the work of Robert Schleip Phd. Advanced Rolfer and lead of the Fascial Research Project at the University of Ulm School of Neurophysiology. It is involves exercising in a gentle and specific way to improve the resiliency and...

Breaking Windows

There’s a theory in criminology of how crime spreads called the “Broken Window Theory”. The basic theory is: Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may...

Pain is in the Brain

If you’ve been training with us at Integral for any amount of time, you’ve heard us tell you to not take things to a painful point in your body. We don’t mean you should avoid mild discomfort but rather that you don’t want to be in pain. For...
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness This is the first post for this site. Our hope for it is that we’ll be able to share useful information with you on subjects like: Rolfing Structural Integration, CrossFit, Olympic Lifting, Nutrition and how they can you attain your fitness...